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Where in the world is KB?

What year is it? Why is there a blue jay on the balcony?

Wait... why do I have a balcony?

Where am I? Where the hell have I been?

The short answer is I've been away, but the longer one is that I was partaking in non-book-releasing-conducive activities, like a divorce, therapy, and reconnecting with family.

No apologies or condolences, please. Nothing to mourn. Happy couples don't divorce. IYKYK

The time away took me from Jersey to the Carolinas to hole-in-the-wall Maryland, Pennsylvania, and more. I've laughed more than I've cried, sang absurdly, and smiled so hard my cheeks physically ache. Through it all, I rediscovered who I am and what I want, reigniting my passion for writing books.

Over the past year, I've dabbled in PNR, WC, sports, and, more importantly, steamy/snarky romance. On my Mac, you'll find a half-written Beauty and the Beast retelling, a funny AF shifter book, ghosts of a hockey romance, a reunion rom-com, and, of course, Baby on Board (BOB).

Ah, Baby on Board.

The last you heard from me, I was working on that very book.

That fucker hurt.

No matter what I wrote, I hated it. I must have rewritten it cover-to-cover over a half-dozen times, but I'd do it again (and I am!) The funny thing about writing (for me, at least) is it's mood-based. My feelings directly show up in my work. Connections will read hollow. Jokes will fall flat. The pacing will fuck up.

But that stops here.

BOB is getting its final rewrite by me in a good headspace, knowing what genuine love is and isn't. Claudia and Keller deserve to shine as brightly as possible. I owe it to them, and I owe it to you.

Beyond that, if you're going through a divorce, cut the 💩 immediately, whether it's 💩 people, 💩 habits, or 💩 thinking. You're better than that. Sure, embrace the suck for a little bit because it's going to suck. No one likes imploding a future you thought you'd have, but guess what? The future you're meant to have will be so much better. I promise.



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